Next Meeting

The ISFE holds the main symposium every four years. Additional workshops and online conference events promote knowledge exchange with the scientific community and private sectors.

Provide awards

The ISFE provides several awards at every ISFE symposium to recognize the significant contributions made by specific scientists to the field of fish endocrinology. 

Provide grants

The ISFE provides travel grants for students and postdoctoral researchers to participate in  ISFE events and to facilitate research exchanges between member laboratories.

Our Society

active members
countries represented
participants at the last ISFE meeting
travel fellowship granted last year

There are multiple ways ISFE intends to improve applied and fundamental research in fish endocrinology

The mission of the ISFE is to promote the study of hormones and hormone actions in fishes (including hagfish, lampreys, cartilaginous fishes, lobed-finned fishes and ray-finned fishes). This includes topics in growth, adaptation, reproduction, stress, immunity, behaviour and endocrine disruption in fishes. In particular, the ISFE ambitions to encourage and foster career development of junior members. The ISFE will do its best to favor the participation of junior members to the ISFE by providing financial support.
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Why become a member of ISFE?

Times are good for our Society. The global fish endocrinology community has vastly expanded in recent years. Many species are now being cultured for economic and health benefits.  Fish are increasingly being used as powerful models for biomedical research.  Fish are also highly sensitive to pollution, so our endocrine disruption research can help mitigate environmental problems. Fish are also showing increasing interest as sentinel species to monitor the health of  ecosystems.A platform for exchange of ideas is thus increasingly important. Membership for you and your lab group will provide you with a worldwide network, access to student grants, attendance at the symposium and much more.


The 2024 awardees for the ISFE lectureships

The 2024 awardees for the ISFE lectureships

All nominations for the ISFE Lectureships that were received were carefully evaluated by the International Committee. The 2024 awardees with their lecture titles are presented below. R.E. Peter Lectureship Berta Levavi-Sivan. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Novel Neuropeptides as a […]

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Registration opened for the 10th ISFE meeting in Baltimore

Registration opened for the 10th ISFE meeting in Baltimore

Dear Colleagues and Friends, The 10th symposium will be held in Baltimore, USA. September 15-19, 2024.  Our hosts will be Nilli Zmora,  Yonathan Zohar and Ten-Tsao Wong.  Registration and abstract submission is now open. Please consult the meeting website:   […]

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The location of the next ISFE meeting has now been decided

The location of the next ISFE meeting has now been decided

We received two very good proposals for the organization of the 10th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. One application was from Nilli Zmora, Yonathan Zohar and Ten-Tsao Wong to Baltimore , Maryland, USA. The second application was from Subash Peter […]

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Past events




9th ISFE meeting in Faro

In 2022, Prof Adelino Canário
organized the 8th ISFE in Faro in Portugal…




8th ISFE meeting in Gothenburg

In 2016, Prof Thrandur Björnsson
organized the 8th ISFE in Gothenburg in Sweeden…




7th ISFE meeting in Buenos Aires

In 2012, Gustavo Somoza organized the 7th ISFE in Buenos Aires in Argentina where Olivier Kah gave the third Richard E. Peter lecture…