7th ISFE meeting in Buenos Aires




In 2012, Gustavo Somoza organized the 7th ISFE in Buenos Aires in Argentina where Olivier Kah gave the third Richard E. Peter lecture. On this occasion, the international committee met under Carl Schreck’s presidency. The idea of having a formal society had been informally discussed over the years. Olivier Kah made a formal proposal at the 2012 symposium that that a formal society representing fish endocrinologists be formed. The international committee discussed and agreed with this recommendation in concept. The international committee discussed and agreed with this recommendation in concept. A survey of symposium participants was conducted to seek their opinion on the merits of such an organization and what its function would be. A large majority of people was in favor of forming a society, resulting in the formal launching of the international society of fish endocrinologists in 2015. Finally, Carl resigned at the Buenos Aires meeting whereupon Olivier Kah was elected.